Super Meat Boy
How do i get my controller working?
I dont know if it has anything to do with windows 8, but it might. when ever i plug in my controller the Xbox light starts flashing and it dosent work when i go to play a game. Please help
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I am also having an issue all of a sudden with my 360 controller. It worked fine when i initially bought the game. All my other games that support a controller work fine. I am using Win7 x64.
goart 2013年7月4日 19時08分 
TwwiX の投稿を引用:
I am also having an issue all of a sudden with my 360 controller. It worked fine when i initially bought the game. All my other games that support a controller work fine. I am using Win7 x64.
yeah i use to use win 7 and it worked fine.
Never mind. Looks like my Joystick was interfering with it. Try unplugging any unnecessary USB devices you currently have connected.
goart 2013年7月4日 19時43分 
TwwiX の投稿を引用:
Never mind. Looks like my Joystick was interfering with it. Try unplugging any unnecessary USB devices you currently have connected.
Thank you. :)
L|L unicornonthecob™ の投稿を引用:
TwwiX の投稿を引用:
Never mind. Looks like my Joystick was interfering with it. Try unplugging any unnecessary USB devices you currently have connected.
Thank you. :)

No problem. Hope it worked.
goart 2013年7月4日 20時21分 
TwwiX の投稿を引用:
L|L unicornonthecob™ の投稿を引用:
Thank you. :)

No problem. Hope it worked.
I looked at my usb ports, theres nothing that dosent really need to be there. If theres any thing else i can please add me so we can talk about it, it would help.
I don't know if this will help you or not, but I had the same problem when I tried using a wireless 360 controller. Even when I had it connected to a USB port, it wouldn't work. However, when I tried using a wired 360 controller, it worked like a charm.
The problem that Coyote's describing is that Plug 'n' Charge kits don't actually work for connecting controllers. It will still detect the PnC cable and list it in devices, but it won't take any input from the controller.

Sounds like you're having another don't have JoyToKey running and taking over input control during SMB, do you?
I have a 360 with a wire.
I had the same issue and found out it was my peddle input device causing the issue. for some reason Super Meatboy, unlike other games, was choosing to look at that as my controller instead of my actual xBox controller. Hope this helps. Just unplug literally all your USB devices except for your controller and it should work.
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