Long Jump Achievement Problem
I've left Chell jumping through portals for over an hour and still no achievement. WHY???
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Did you LAND a single jump for 300 verticle?
no, it was a perfect flow.
make sure you jump into the portal, have it perfectly lined up and make sure you have portal funneling enabled. good luck :)
I never jumped and got the achievement. Look up and shoot blue look down and shoot orange then walk away for a few minutes. Ding achievement unlocked.
hey guys thanks for you help :) finally done it!
for anyone else struggling, use this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZfcvXQR1Cc
Exactly, I got it in the turret arena in the escape. It took about a minute and a half and probably six portals to get it. I've seen videos of the wall portal jumping bit and never got it that way...
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17/7 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. aug. 17., 20:50
Hozzászólások: 7