Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Help with ragdolls.
Well, its more about the limbs. I noticed the last week (already tried reinstalling the game again/setting the hadware physics (or whatever they are called) off and on) that when someone is killed by a grenade/arty shell/explosion they would leave the dismembered corpse with blood and all (I have set it to ''Full Gore'') but the arms and legs wouldn't appear anywhere (I remember playing like a month ago and body parts raining everywhere). Is there a way to fix it? or should I just wait until the next patch?

Edit: Verified cache (how I did not think on that in the first place?) and now it seems that everything is ok, but still, the cuted off limbs seem to appear at random and other times won't even spawn or will fall under the map.
Автор останньої редакції: Cronelius M. Greg; 24 січ. 2014 о 23:22
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This problem is caused by the human brain, not the game.

This stuff always happens but when our brain focuses on one thing it finds thing it never noticed before.

Before you noticed this you were just playing the game and never really payed attention to dead bodies, but one day you focused on one and discovered something that always happened.

The truth is, dismemberment is very buggy and i have seen it fall through the ground and the reason you never saw and dismembered arms is because the chance of an arm being dismembered is less likely because the majority of the explosions in this game explode closer to the ground so its a higher chance the legs will explode.
Автор останньої редакції: Bepis; 25 січ. 2014 о 5:11
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Опубліковано: 24 січ. 2014 о 21:04
Дописів: 1