Rampage Knights

Rampage Knights

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xakuvo Jul 7, 2017 @ 1:06pm
Flying Daggers Mutation - Only able to play as Adventurer
So i've been attempting the Flying Daggers Mutation and I've gotten SOO close with the assassin, but now when i play Flying Daggers I can only play as the adventurer, no matter which class I select. I am able to play other game mods as other classes but Flying Daggers is forcing me to be the Adventurer. I've started a new game, quit the game entirely, and tried using other modes and standard but i still have the issue.
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undead  [developer] Jul 9, 2017 @ 1:42pm 
Hero's class in Flying Daggers is modified version of adventurer and is preset by the game to be always the same.
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