Jet Gunner

Jet Gunner

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DeadlyDan Aug 20, 2016 @ 6:03pm
Jetpack controls, etc
I just tried the demo, looks like it could be a fun game... But...

The jetpack is just not very useable. I'm not sure if it is the choice of buttons on the Xbox360 Controller or just the way it is implemented in the game.

Basically, I find it very hard to control the jetpack. My character fly's/jolts around the screen like he is not in control of his flight at all. When considering that he only shoots in straight angles the chances of shooting anything while flying is slim. Makes him look like a clown than a competent one man army.

What if we had configurable buttons, does the full game have that? I'm thinking try the righthand trigger as jetpack propulsion. Button A for 'shooting', (alternatively what if moving the right analog stick made your weapon fire in any direction?)

I was able to stumble my way through to the first boss, but it was too akward and was not fun.

Plus, the 'immediate' respawn of previously destroyed enemies directly offscreen, either infront or behind you, really broke the immersion for me and was unforgivably frustrating.
Last edited by DeadlyDan; Aug 22, 2016 @ 7:27am
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yah Aug 29, 2016 @ 5:49am 
I just played the demo and yes, it's pretty much the same as the full game, apart from the respawning enemies, some pickup placements, and the boss color lol.

There's a hidden mechanic in there too: if you hold down when jetpacking the game ignores left/right inputs, so that you can jetpack 100% vertically (which is critically important for a few challenges). Maybe that's what's happening?

Both the demo and full game have a few different control schemes (4 at total I think), and in the full game there's no key rebinding. I love WASD to move and L/K to jump/shoot, so for me this is fine. The problem you're having I couldn't reproduce here, but as I play on keyboard, there might be something wrong with either the gamepad scheme or even your gamepad.

Using right analog stick to shoot sounds great but it's against the game's design, and for that purpose there are already weapon pickups that change the way you shoot. Jetpacking is fine, and you should make a habit to use it in bursts, as holding down the button uses up its fuel too fast.

The game itself is quite frustating, but I believe it was designed that way, with a bit of trial and error in mind, much like old NES games. Knowledge about enemies' placement really, really helps.
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