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Direbetus Dec 25, 2014 @ 1:23pm
Dead engineers.
Please let me attach their corpses to my station. That'd be pretty awesome. Get Firefly all up in here.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Myll_Erik Dec 31, 2014 @ 5:03pm 
Hmm - we'll think about it!
i swallowed a bug....
Direbetus Jan 8, 2015 @ 5:11am 
Wow, I'm honored that you replied atall. Was initially a partial joke, mostly as a replay to the bug about getting stuck on dead engineers. However I think this could add a neaty alternate type of gameplay. The thought of having some thing you can find that would bring back to life the dead engineers seeems to be like a neat idea. A station that relies on building up zombies to use as an attack for. Turning the station into more of a 'Carrier" class. Would be pretty neat. Again, thank you for your reply, Sir.
Axe Knight Jan 27, 2015 @ 5:44pm 
This would actually work really well with a "moral" type system if you were battling other humans (AI) in space. Same thing with attaching the T-Rex head, it would be terrifying to your opponents and could maybe give some kind of responsiveness/reload time debuff.
Direbetus Jan 29, 2015 @ 8:35am 
Wow, Axe Knight. I'm actually impressed. I was making a funny (maybe) comment because I was pissed at getting stuck on the engineers. But you bring up a cool idea for future updates. Inflicting some kind of panic like that would be very neat.
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