Dog Sled Saga

Dog Sled Saga

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DanF8 Aug 20, 2016 @ 10:29am
Regarding a potential price change
Hey all, I'm the lead dev on Dog Sled Saga.

If you follow us on Twitter or Facebook[], you may have heard rumblings of a big announcement coming up. You can probably guess what it is based on the recent "Road to 1.0"[] updates...

With our game growing towards completion, the two of us feel like we may have undershot the price of our Early Access release. Early Access has been a fantastic advantage for our development, but it did entail that we needed to put a dollar value on our work before we were sure what it would turn into.

I've certainly heard negativity about games' prices being raised in the past. I want to know what any current owners or prospective buyers would think if we raised the price of the desktop version of Dog Sled Saga to $9.99 USD instead of $7.99 USD.

When considering the price change, we initially wanted discount the game for a set amount of time so it would cost the same, giving people a clear last chance to grab it at $8. However, if my understanding is correct, this will send out "An Item On Your Wishlist Is On Sale" emails and give us other discount visibility, which I would find disingenuous. This would’ve been our first ever discount. Instead, we'd want to make an announcement that the price is going to increase on a set date on our Steam page and social media, which will still give a good "last chance."

We're prepared to take no for an answer if it would rub people the wrong way that we raise our price before launch, or if you think that the higher price point doesn't fit our game as well. Note that there are some pretty big changes in progress for the final 1.0 update. What do you think?
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
AuthorOfSwords Aug 22, 2016 @ 10:21pm 
I agree, Typo, you make a lot of good points. While I have a tendency to be kind of stingy when it comes to buying games (This app is 99 cents? I don't think I have that kind of money to throw around), I would still buy the game for $10. There have been quite a few changes since the original price, and like you said, there's a lot more coming. Like Typo said, I also think a new trailer would be a really good idea. The old trailers are good, but a bit outdated. Again, I'd have no problem with a price change and I look forward to both getting the app when it comes out and seeing what the future updates hold!
DanF8 Aug 25, 2016 @ 1:05pm 
Alrighty, thanks for telling us what you think. I think we're gonna go ahead with it! I'll make an announcement now.
DanF8 Aug 26, 2016 @ 9:12am 
(Actually we hit a bump in the road with this plan - not sure if we're going to do it or not)
DanF8 Aug 31, 2016 @ 10:08am 
Confirming for anyone reading this thread that the price change isn't happening! We're cool with that, too.
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