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How is this played?
I watched the trailer and it just looks like you click every tile until you win. Is this like minesweeper, or do you have to highlight specific tiles around the numbers or...?
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Jxt09 Jan 14, 2016 @ 11:23am 
Although it looks kind of like minesweeper, it's not like that at all. You have to use logic to determine which hexes definitely have a blue hex below them and which are blank.

The most obvious is if there is a 6, then you know that all six hexes around that number can be clicked blue. Most of the time the numbers are less than that. So you use logic based on the other numbered hex tiles near each other.

If there is a hex labeled with { } brackets around it, that means that the blue hexes around that tile are all touching each other. If there is - - dashes around a number, that means that not all the blue hexes around that tile are touching, some might be but not all.

Later there are column numbers that tell how many blue hexes are in that column.

Hope that helps you.
Berahlen Jan 14, 2016 @ 3:13pm 
You have to locate all the blue cells with left click, and uncover black ones with right click. Black ones tell you how many blues are adjacent, so it is kind of like Minesweeper. There's a few more rules later that start deviating from Minesweeper, but the levels guide you through them. The trailer kind of shows what's going on, but it does one of the easiest levels in the game first, followed by time-lapsing through some actual stuff you'd have to think about along the way.

Unlike Minesweeper, the levels are all logically solvable and you never, ever have to guess. Though the logic can get very difficult in the sequels (the original Hexcells is by far the easiest), and the player-created levels in Infinite can get exceptionally difficult.
Last edited by Berahlen; Jan 14, 2016 @ 3:20pm
Jxt09 Jan 14, 2016 @ 5:14pm 
I had to rush off after finishing my first post. Also, some of the later levels are really, really hard. So you either have to have a good brain or not care about making mistakes. Techinically you could just guess randomly until you have the board uncovered, take a screenshot, then redo the level and refer to your screenshot and finish it that way. But that's up to you and if you want to cheat or not.
Felipe Ferras Dec 16, 2018 @ 2:24am 
Did you really learn how to play minesweeper? Because if you think that it's a kind of random-luck game, then you didn't.

Minesweeper is a game of 99.9% logic and 00.1% guessing. This game is 100% logic.

What is a "good brain"? I have known people who draw incredibly good that would suck at this game. I also know guys that can get any girl they want that also would suck at this game.

I can't do neither but I easily got 100% so, who is the one with a "good brain"?

Let me tell you something respectfully. If you are going to cheat because winning is the thing you care te most, then this games are not for you.
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