One Finger Death Punch

One Finger Death Punch

RM1985 Dec 31, 2017 @ 4:03am
Deflect grey skill & deflect color skill, what do they do???
I quite don't understand the description in the game, neither did I get what these skills do, when I tried them out! Can anyone help me with this??
Last edited by RM1985; Dec 31, 2017 @ 4:03am
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wiken Dec 31, 2017 @ 4:09am 
If I remember correctly, you won't receive 1 damage when you have a deflect skill ready.
SushiJaguar Jan 1, 2018 @ 9:37am 
Yep. Deflect Grey, when activated, stops you being hit by ONE grey enemy attack. For Deflect Colour, it stops ONE coloured enemy attack. This can be a brawler, a dodger, whatever.

Basically it's a super star from Mario that lasts one hit.
MrPurple33 Jan 15, 2018 @ 1:30pm 
both are good -- I usually don't activate the deflect grey -- I do ALWAYS have deflect color on (Master Level 1 of my 4 skills) -- why?? a) It just plain looks cool, you get these Kung Fu deflect/block then counter-attack looking action and b) more importantly once the game speeds up you get that key block vs a pack of 3-5 GOOD color guys who mix up the moves, or a key block against one of those Brawlers with the 60 move back-and-forth combos- and you snag that perfect because of it -- Deflect Grey OK - but Deflect Color- MAYBE the most KEY skill for myself (you get way more Deflects than you would say, the Health Kits that activate every 99 kills) - and they stay until you need it
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