The Maw

The Maw

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Locke Mar 13, 2017 @ 2:33pm
Deleting Saves
I just figured out how to do this, and figured I'd post it in case anyone else wants to reset their game.

1. Disable Steam Cloud sync. I wasn't able to disable it just for this game, there wasn't an option for it. So you'll need to disable it on the account wide setting on the steam client. (Steam>Settings>Cloud, uncheck 'Enable Steam Cloud synchronization')

2. Find your Steam folder. The default location for a Windows 10 PC is in Program Files (x86)

3. Navigate to Steam>userdata>(PlayerID)>(AppID)>local. I only had one PlayerID folder in my userdata, so I'm not sure how to determine which one is yours if you've got multiples. Right now, the AppID number is 26000, but it had apparently changed, because the info I found, which was about four years old, listed a different number. To be sure, open up the store page url in a browser; the AppID is the number at the end.

4. In the local folder, delete the file 'savegame0'.

5. Restart The Maw. You should be able to start a new game.