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No glowing arrows or bullets
I'm playing a small world on normal. I'm at tier 4 tech according to the screen, have the rifle and bullets(basic), have done the research for and built a pistol but I never received the research for glowing bullets. I developed arrow, incendiary arrow, metal arrow, bow and crossbow but never received glowing arrow. Now the lack of glowing arrow is frustrating but the lack of glowing bullets is disturbing since it precludes me from getting incendiary bullets. I'm running the most recent update. Please help.

Great game otherwise.(Except for the annoying hunt for crystals but that is another story...)
Last edited by Carpenter's Apprentice; Jul 26, 2014 @ 9:29pm
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Ecthel_013 Jul 28, 2014 @ 7:07pm 
Have you actually crafted the Metal Arrows? That might unlock the research. As for the Glowing Bullets, you need Carbon as well.

If you already have both, then it's definitely a bug.
Yep I have crafted both carbon and metal arrows.
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