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Vi-El May 30, 2015 @ 11:59am
Game is lagging a whole lot
Well what can i say that isnt explained in the title?

The game is lagging a bunch. The usual lag is ok and the game is even with it still playable. I today played up to the point where i had my first motor and elevator and building a bigger base. Placing the Objects near each other to power them and placing torches etc. The further i got the more i lagged. It seems like this has to do with the placing of objects and of course lighting.

I went into the options and turned everything off that had to do with better graphics. The result was a so minor change that i barely noticed it. (Well i was lagging a tiny bit less but it is still laggin to a point where i just cant play without teleporting around.)

I noticed the first time that i had a video running while playing so i closed the browser and restarted the game. The first seconds were fine but after about a minute being near to the base, where all the objects are of course, i begin to lag again. Tried it again in a new world and had no problems at all.

Is there any fix in form of a mod or patch or something out there? Because i could not find one on the internet.
Date Posted: May 30, 2015 @ 11:59am
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