The Wolf Among Us

The Wolf Among Us

*** SPOILERS **** About Tweedle Dum...
At the end of episode 3.. Am I the only one who killed him? :/
I was just angry at the time and wanted to explore that " full wolf " thingy...
I mean, If TellTale gave us the option to kill him I guess he wasne't a big part of the story any more but still now Snow will like us .. less and people might even think we are involved in the murder! ( Not Dum's murder..)
Opinions? :S
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I kept him. I want to know what he knows.
On second playthrough yea i killed him :)
Just finished my "good guy" playthrough I forgived him. Next "bad guy" playthough I gonna kill him.
First playthrough, I killed him. He was pushing his luck, and he reached the end of it. And I was also pretty angry at them at the time.

I was even angrier when Telltale pulled a Mary Sue on us and decided that the extreme Q mashing wouldn't do anything, even if the bar was filled.

thanks telltale
Legutóbb szerkesztette: bnuuy; 2014. ápr. 8., 11:58
Solid Gamer eredeti hozzászólása:
Just finished my "good guy" playthrough I forgived him. Next "bad guy" playthough I gonna kill him.

Well In most of my walkthrough throughout the 3 episodes I was the good guy but when he became the wolf I just felt like he deserved that revenge so I killed him but I kinda regret it..
I killed him on the first playthrough, then let him live on the second.
I saw the player choices; they were actually a lot less polarized than I expected. Killing Dee was something around 54% I think?

I know I did it. That was the end of a scene where I took a lot of crap from them, in a game where I just keep putting up with crap from them. Shoulda learned when I warned you at the funeral, boys ... keep pointing shotguns at me and see what happens.
BeastBox eredeti hozzászólása:
I saw the player choices; they were actually a lot less polarized than I expected. Killing Dee was something around 54% I think?

I know I did it. That was the end of a scene where I took a lot of crap from them, in a game where I just keep putting up with crap from them. Shoulda learned when I warned you at the funeral, boys ... keep pointing shotguns at me and see what happens.

Exactly! Although In my playthrough I'm the good guy so naturally I feel bad for killing him but then again if TTGames Made it an option most likley he became a less importent character in the next episodes so I don't think It made such a big deal whether we killed him or not.
I killed him. I gave them more then enough chances to back off. They pulled out a shotgun and blasted Bigby in cold blood with the full expectaction of killing him and kept trying to. Do real cops put up with some thugs unloading shotguns at them and just give them a warning? Why can't Bigby defend his life when it is threatened by two thugs who already shot him. Completly warrented action to kill him. Sucks for him bigby uses claws and teeth but they shouldn't have shot people if they weren't willing to get killed themselves.

World is prob better off without him anyway. Chances are if you let him live hes going to come back and try to shoot you again. At least now there is only one of them.

Not Bigby's fault Bloody Mary didn't tell them they needed silver to bring him down. They were thugs who threatened beat and shot people who worked for someone who sent them to die for her entertainment.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Jagore; 2014. ápr. 8., 12:07
Jagore eredeti hozzászólása:
I killed him. I gave them more then enough chances to back off. They pulled out a shotgun and blasted Bigby in cold blood with the full expectaction of killing him and kept trying to. Do real cops put up with some thugs unloading shotguns at them and just give them a warning? Why can't Bigby defend his life when it is threatened by two thugs who already shot him. Completly warrented action to kill him. Sucks for him bigby uses claws and teeth but they shouldn't have shot people if they weren't willing to get killed themselves.

World is prob better off without him anyway. Chances are if you let him live hes going to come back and try to shoot you again. At least now there is only one of them.

My thoughts exactly! Only smarter.. xD
I killed Dum, I suppose it was really spur of the moment sort of thing, they were firing ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of ammunition into bigby and I've grown to hate the twins throughout, also getting to see Bigby's real potential was too cool not to see, I'm not even regretting killing that stocky ♥♥♥♥
nope, i kill him too
My basic instinct was to immediately kill him, as they tried to do twice now. Technically it's the best option, as they could be a threat to you or snow later on...but I decided to restart and spare him
Killed Dum and I don't regret it. Like Jakore said it was a matter of life and death. He endangered Fabletown citizens at a FUNERAL. He threatened a child. He had lots of blood on his hands. And he would've done it again. Good. Bloody. Riddance.
I killed him, Dum is useless.
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