Door Kickers

Door Kickers

Control Suggestion
I am having trouble getting the guys to strafe... would be good to have a different coloured line to indicate that they will move but maintain direction of fire. Anyone else getting this trouble?
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14/4 megjegyzés mutatása
There is a different color line! Blue for strafe (trooper maintains fixed LOS) vs green (trooper's FOV moves in direction of travel). Strafe is Left CTRL and right mouse/drag in the desired direction.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Strummer; 2013. dec. 12., 13:11
OH!! Right click.... I was doing left.... my bad...
Thanks btw.
No prob. Strafe is key.
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14/4 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. dec. 12., 11:25
Hozzászólások: 4