Clickteam Fusion 2.5

Clickteam Fusion 2.5

CT_Yves  [developer] Dec 1, 2016 @ 12:15am
Build 287.9 - Change log
Full change log for the official version of the build 287:


- Steam version: toolbar and keyboard shortcut settings were not saved on some machines.
- Picture editor: onion skin didn't work for zoom > x1.
- Event editor: after saving the application or undoing the last action the cursor position could be incorrect.
- Event list editor: the Find command didn't work if "Search for actions" was the only selected option.
- Event list editor: the position was not synchronized with the one of the event editor the first time you open the event list editor in an application.
- Extension manager: now supports the new UWP exporter.
- Properties: scrolling issue when the list contains many properties.
- Building mosaic images is faster.
- The PNG filter can now load PNG-8 files saved with pngquant or tinypng.
- Choose Frame dialog box: the list control is now enlarged when you resize the window.
- String object: the Alt-Gr key was treated as a Ctrl key in the string & paragraph editors.

All runtimes

- In low frame rate conditions some animations didn't reach the end.
- Rounding issues in physics movements causing crashes or bugs when you launch an object in the current direction of the source object.

Windows runtime

- Memory leak when you go to another frame if you use Quick Backdrop objects in "Motif" mode, or System Box objects with images.
- Black screen after Set Frame Effect.
- Frame Effect didn't work correctly with some effects.
- Crash in the Look At function if the object has a physics movements that hasn't been started yet.
- Crash in the debugger if you pause it and then click on values of an object that was deleted in the same frame.
- CollisionMask expression and Is X,Y An Obstacle conditions not working correctly with backdrop objects added from an active object with a hotspot different from 0,0.
- Fixed another case where graphics could stop updating on screen in Direct3D mode.
- Previous D3D word wrapping fix was incorrectly disabled for some Unicode characters.
- When you select the Disable Close button option, the button is now visually disabled.
- The PNG filter can now load PNG-8 files saved with pngquant or tinypng.
- The mouse visibility state was not correct in the "editor" runtime when you jump to a frame and the mouse is hidden.
- Active Backdrop object: now compatible with Load/Save Frame Position.
- DataGrid object: when you paste a single cell and multiple cells are selected, the text is pasted in each selected cell.
- Edit box object: the Alt-Gr key was treated as a Ctrl key.
- Get object: fix in Encode URL function.
- Multiple Touch object: X/YTouchDelta expressions return an incorrect result after a scrolling.
- Multiple Touch object: crash in gesture recognition if user gesture consists of a single point.
- Picture object: crash in Direct3D mode if obstacle and fine collision mode.
- Rich Edit object: new Set Margin functions (for the Print action) and no more blank page at the end of a printing.

iOS runtime

- Better precision in timer condition.
- Copy/Paste clipboard actions are now supported.
- Sounds didn't resume properly after a pause and weren't correctly muted in all cases.
- Sounds: bug when a phone call or alarm is received.
- Fixed sound playing in pause modes.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with older versions of iOS in sound player.
- Active object: Set Position didn't update the direction.
- Active Picture object: incorrect offsets in wrap mode.
- Active Picture object: problem with image flip.
- AdMob object: was not correctly choosing smart banner orientation.
- Counter object: incorrect position at start sometimes.
- Edit box: Fixed alignment.
- GET object: crash when calling and URL and receiving data with no charset in headers.
- Multiple Touch object: fix in scrolling apps.
- Multiple Touch object: crash in gesture recognition if user gesture consists of a single point.
- Randomizer object: incorrect values.
- String parser object: crash in certain condition.
- Subapp object: no input in non-scrolling layer when frame is scrolled.

Android runtime

- Android package names can now contain more than 2 dots.
- Navigation Bar: always starts sticky when possible and controlling it is now possible, using show or resize functions of the Android object.
- "Every XX" condition was incorrectly triggered at restart of frame or jumping to the same frame.
- Crash if you access a global value with a negative index.
- New GooglePlayServices lib for AdMob, ChartBoost and Google Play objects.
- Chartboost updated to 6.4.2
- The Get Sample Position/Volume/Pan/Frequency/Duration are now disabled in the editor and will be reenabled when they are implemented.
- A new sound couldn't be played on a locked channel.
- Fixed sound glitches.
- Fixed sound playing in pause modes.
- Fixed black screen when a paused app returns.
- Sounds: pan couldn't changed.
- Size fix in Text objects.
- Fix in mouse click emulation when several touches are occuring.
- Active object: Set Position didn't update the direction.
- ActiveBackdrop object: the image was not reinitialized after device resume.
- Active Picture object: fix in wrap/flip/offset/hotspot/zoom features
- Android Plus object: Updated code for flash light.
- Button object: condition not working properly when it was not the first one in the event.
- Counter object: incorrect position at start sometimes.
- Easing object: fixed a crash after an object is destroyed.
- EditBox Object: reduced vertical and horizontal padding for better display when app is not using system text fonts.
- Get object: fixes.
- INI object: empty group names are now allowed.
- Input Type object: new actions, allows to resize an associated edit object to a specific size and change the font size accordingly, and set the color and alpha hint. Note: those actions reset the text, by OS design.
- OBB: problem with sounds on new devices.
- Multiple Touch object: bug in sub-apps.
- Multiple Touch object: crash in gesture recognition if user gesture consists of a single point.
- String parser object: crash in certain condition.
- Sub-app object: objects couldn't be controlled by the virtual joystick or accelerator.
- Video Android: fix in set position.
- Window control object: a couple of fixes and missing features.
- Pinball movement: problem with negative speeds.

HTML5 runtime

- "Every XX" condition was incorrectly triggered at restart of frame or jumping to the same frame.
- Bug in collision with added backdrops if the hotspot of the image was not in 0,0.
- Bug in initialization of old semi-transparency coefficient value when the object hasn't a blending effect.
- Active Object: semi-transparency coefficient not preserved in backdrops created with the Add Backdrop action.
- Active System Box / Background System Box: object not refreshed after you enable or disable it.
- Edit box object: Edittext$ now forces the text to lower case or upper case if the "case modification" property is set to lower or upper case. In the previous version only the display of the control was affected by this property.
- Edit box object: couldn't load a file from the binary data.
- Edit box object: "case modification" property not taken into account.
- Graphic Font object: crash in Set Color action.
- Joystick Control object: crash.
- List object: Sort option dind't work.
- MoveIt object now available for this runtime.
- Multiple Touch object: crash in gesture recognition if user gesture consists of a single point.
- String object: incorrect height.
- String Tokenizer: when the delimiter is Newline$ the sub-strings could have an invisible ending character in some cases.
- Sub-app object: End Application didn't work.
- Sub-app object: incorrect size and position of control objects when "Resize display" is selected in the parent application.
- Sub-app object: incorrect position of control objects when the sub-application is moved.
- System Box and Hi-Score extensions: not displayed after scrolling if they are inactivated (due to the "Inactivate if too far" option);
- System Box objects: incorrect disabled color.
- System Box objects: in undetermined cases the hot spot of the image could be different from 0, causing the image to be displayed at a wrong location. To fix it, re-edit the image in the build 287.3 or greater (= open the picture editor) so that the hot spot is forced to 0,0.
- Pinball movement: negative speed was forbidden.

SWF runtime

- "Every XX" condition was incorrectly triggered at restart of frame or jumping to the same frame.
- Set Frame Background color: refresh issue in scrolling applications.
- On touch screens the mouse coordinates weren't updated when you click.
- Incorrect initialization of layer coefficients
- Active Object: semi-transparency coefficient not preserved in backdrops created with the Add Backdrop action.
- Multiple Touch object: crash in gesture recognition if user gesture consists of a single point.
- String Tokenizer: when the delimiter is Newline$ the sub-strings could have an invisible ending character in some cases.
- String object: problem with vertical center alignment.

UWP runtime

- New property to select the background color of the splash screen.
- Min/Max target version properties are now also updated in the project file.
- "Every XX" condition was incorrectly triggered at restart of frame or jumping to the same frame.
- Speed improvement in texture updates.
- Speed improvement in scrolling games.
- Embedded files: didn't work correctly.
- Bug when a frame ends, some objects could be temporarily recreated, caused delays between frames.
- Fixed a bug in collision routines when the mosaics option is selected.
- Bug in collision with added backdrops if the hotspot of the image was not in 0,0.
- Bug in initialization of old semi-transparency coefficient value when the object hasn't a blending effect.
- The Load All Data At Start and Keep Resources Between Frames options are now unselected by default in new applications. Make sure these options are off for your bigger applications otherwise they may prevent them from working due to high memory usage.
- Accelerometer didn't take device orientation into account.
- Active System Box / Background System Box: object not refreshed after you enable or disable it.
- Active System Box / Background System Box and Quick Backdrop: clipping issue for objects with a pattern in scrolling apps.
- Edit box object: "case modification" property not taken into account.
- Edit box / List box / Combo Box / Array objects: loading / saving issues.
- Edit box / List box / Combo Box objects: now support UTF-8 text files (with BOM)..
- INI object: bug with embedded files.
- List box: bug in Reset action for visible controls.
- Edit box object: Edittext$ now forces the text to lower case or upper case if the "case modification" property is set to lower or upper case. In the previous version only the display of the control was affected by this property.
- Graphic Font object: the width of some characters was incorrectly calculated on some devices.
- Graphic Font object: didn't work with String objects.
- Graphic Font object: clipping issue in scrolling apps.
- List & ComboBox objects: Sort option dind't work.
- MoveIt object now available for this runtime.
- Multiple Touch object: fixes.
- Physics movements: a wrong angle passed to Set Angle action could cause crashes.
- Physics Particules was missing.
- String object: incorrect height.
- String Tokenizer: when the delimiter is Newline$ the sub-strings could have an invisible ending character in some cases.
- System Box objects: incorrect disabled color.
- System Box objects: in undetermined cases the hot spot of the image can be different from 0, causing the image to be displayed at a wrong location. To fix it, re-edit the image in the build 287.3 or greater (= open the picture editor) so that the hot spot is forced to 0,0.
- Pinball movement: negative speed was forbidden.
- Sub-app object: incorrect size and position of control objects.
- XboxGamepad extension was missing.
Last edited by CT_Yves; Dec 2, 2016 @ 5:51am
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
CT_Yves  [developer] Dec 1, 2016 @ 12:16am 
Note: in the iOS exporter, OGG sound support that had been added in a previous beta of the build 287 has been removed from the official version as apparently we couldn't make it work 100% correctly yet, sorry for this. This feature will be re-added in a future version when this issue is fully fixed. In the meantime OGG files are still converted to WAV as in previous builds.
CT_Yves  [developer] Dec 1, 2016 @ 3:26am 
Note 2: the build 287.7 has been replaced by the build 287.8 due to a bug in the iOS exporter (bundle ID not replaced in Xcode projects).
Last edited by CT_Yves; Dec 1, 2016 @ 3:26am
CT_Yves  [developer] Dec 2, 2016 @ 5:52am 
Note 3: the build 287.8 has been replaced by the build 287.9 due to a bug in the Android exporter (outdated library causing issues with Active Picture object).
daShiznit Dec 19, 2016 @ 4:19pm 
Since this update, my android build is totally ruined when it comes to the navigation bar.

Before this, the navigation bar was transparent and did not resize my game screen.
The only thing that I used was to hide navigation bar after app return from pause, and even after the bar got hidden, when I swiped it up to reappear it was still transparent, it was perfect.

Now, right after this 287.9 update, that exact same project with the same conditions tested on the same device is not working the same when it comes to the nav bar. It's all fine until the 'hide nav bar' action is triggered when returning to the app, because right after this when I swipe for the nav bar to reappear it's not transparent any more and it streches my whole game screen as that bottom part of the screen is occupied by the bar.

After lots and lots of hours spent only to fix this issue with no success I've never been this frustrated in my life, as after months of work I was finally almost done and ready to release the app, and now this happens. I really, really hope you can help me.

I still have the apk build made with the CTF version before this last update, and it works fine when it comes to the nav bar while every other build after this update doesn't.

I think this whole problem might have something to do with ''- Navigation Bar: always starts sticky when possible and controlling it is now possible, using show or resize functions of the Android object.'' you mentioned, and I hope you can clear this issue for me, thank you!
scratch Dec 27, 2016 @ 11:48am 
daShiznit Jan 3, 2017 @ 4:20pm 
It would be nice to get an answer, as my whole project became unpolished since this last build update.
So I know what is to be done.
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Date Posted: Dec 1, 2016 @ 12:15am
Posts: 6