

Connection Error
Hello! I'm new to this game, I've downloaded it Today.

Well, when I start the game, it says "The connection has been lost. The game will be closed. Please check your Internet connection and restart the game"
Yet I've restarted the game a lot of times, and it keeps telling me that.

I have a Windows 7 laptop computer, not so powerful, but it fullfills the requisites for the game.

What should I do? I would really like to play AErena.

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nemn 23.8.2014 klo 1.58 
I've been playing with the game for about a week, but today I was greeted by the same message. I suppose there is some problem with the servers, just wait until the developers fix it. It's worth waiting for! :)
nemn lähetti viestin:
I've been playing with the game for about a week, but today I was greeted by the same message. I suppose there is some problem with the servers, just wait until the developers fix it. It's worth waiting for! :)

Allright, thanks!
Yeah we're all having problems getting into the game. The developers have posted a thread saying they aim for Monday to resolve the issues that came with the patch. Until then, hang tight until it gets fixed :) Sorry about that.
I always get error message when starting Aerena, at 21% (?). Always the same. My net connection is fine (120M fiber)
TIBS 19.7.2017 klo 12.08 
Is the game dead at this point ("net connect lost" error) or is this a random thing and you can actually still get to play this game? Never played before, decided to give it a go, but no go.
The company went bankrupt. So there are no servers and this is it.
TIBS 22.7.2017 klo 5.44 
Thanks, will at least hopefully get to see what it was like on youtube or something!
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