Amiga777 Mar 2, 2015 @ 8:54am
Sudden Drops in Pitch and Synth Crash/ Meter Spikes, etc.
Hey, I've been kind of putting off addressing these particular problems for a while, but now they're becoming more commonplace in my projects and I really hope these can be remedied.

Problem One:

During playback,sometimes a synth or two will dip in pitch on its own with no automation attached to it at all. I often have to go as far as restart the project or SONAR itself to get them sounding normal again; sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes it's in between. This unwanted pitch dips have even made it into the exports.

Problem Two:

Now, as far as I can remember, the following issue seems to only affect Cakewalk Sound Center. When any of my projects have this VST, and I decide to click the "Reset MIDI and Audio" button (usually whenever there's an audio driver drop), the in-VST volume dial automatically goes to max afterwards.

Problem Three:

Lately, the Z3ta family's been crashing in such a way during playback that it spikes its volume meter(s), and a loud high pitched noise *pops* in rendering the rest of the tracks around it unhearable. I've tried the run/stop audio engine button, but that never really works, and will often have to restart the project to fix it.