Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs

Think this game sucks? Let's look at it from a different perspective.
If Amnesia: The Dark Descent were a dog, it would be wild, un-tamed, and tough as nails.

If Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs were a dog, it would be spayed, nuetered, and completely domesticated. It looks just as scary as the other dog, but underneath that tough exterior is a big baby who's afraid of his own shadow.

That said, someone who's a casual dog owner, might find the second dog to be a more manageable and enjoyable companion.

In other words, I think that a casual horror fan (or someone who wants a good introduction to horror videogames) might have a pretty good time with A Machine for Pigs. It's definitely not a game for everyone, and it's probably especially dissapointing for those who enjoyed Dark Descent, but I think there's definitely an audience for this game.
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15/5 megjegyzés mutatása
At least the second one has some style. And is enough smart to do not believe in some dumb demons from other dimensions or some other crap like huge spiders or wall-cancer. Maybe it isn't angry, but it's smart and know a thing or two about humans. Most of the time it doesn't even try to bite you.
And the first dog is just dumb. Angry and dumb. It bites and barks. People are scared of barking. Simple game for a simple mind. So I'm pretty sure The Dark Descent suits casual horror fans a lot better - you don't need to think about human atrocities, you need to be scared of some spooky monster or spider and that's it.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: that's what she said; 2014. máj. 29., 22:10
that's what she said eredeti hozzászólása:
At least the second one has some style. And is enough smart to do not believe in some dumb demons from other dimensions or some other crap like huge spiders or wall-cancer. Maybe it isn't angry, but it's smart and know a thing or two about humans. Most of the time it doesn't even try to bite you.
And the first dog is just dumb. Angry and dumb. It bites and barks. People are scared of barking. Simple game for a simple mind. So I'm pretty sure The Dark Descent suits casual horror fans a lot better - you don't need to think about human atrocities, you need to be scared of some spooky monster or spider and that's it.

Interesting perspective. Maybe the 2nd dog, despite its apparent domestication, has a more subtle and intelligent way in how it chooses to scare people, rather than the first dog's striaghtforward and un-creative approach. I hadn't thought of it that way.

I personally liked the Dark Descent more, but it is a good point to bring up that The Dark Descent was maybe less subtle in the way it went about scaring the player. A Machine For Pigs managed to create a pretty good sense of dread just by using notes scattered around the mansion, so that the visual scares were more effective when they did come, even though they were less frequent.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Blooey; 2014. máj. 29., 22:42
And that's why most didn't felt "scared" by machine, The Dark Descent is phisical and visual, it show most of the horror letting you know little to nothing of what's goin' on. Machine give you some basic informations that take shape in your mind as the game flows. Later you'll find yourself thinkin' about that particular (and at first glance, innocent and random) note understanding of he was talking about. And most of the time it gave me spine chills as even The Dark Descent wasn't able to do.
Some games aren't just for everyone, and it's not elytarism, it's just a fact not everyone share the same tastes or thoughts.
I played every Penumbra games and loved The Dark Descent, but A Machine for Pigs gave me something that none of them was able to. But i can't explain what and why, that's the Chinese Room great power, in my opinion.
You can love or hate them, they will go on with what they believe, and i'm glad thedy don't sell themself for more copies.
that's what she said eredeti hozzászólása:
At least the second one has some style. And is enough smart to do not believe in some dumb demons from other dimensions or some other crap like huge spiders or wall-cancer. Maybe it isn't angry, but it's smart and know a thing or two about humans. Most of the time it doesn't even try to bite you.
And the first dog is just dumb. Angry and dumb. It bites and barks. People are scared of barking. Simple game for a simple mind. So I'm pretty sure The Dark Descent suits casual horror fans a lot better - you don't need to think about human atrocities, you need to be scared of some spooky monster or spider and that's it.

Coulden't have said it better myself
I liked both games and thought they were completely different from each other. Dark Descent scared me more cause it was physical. Machine, for me, was not as scary, was subtle and was gruesome The notes added the gruesome part making you realize what was happening as the story slowing evolved and unfolded. A more in-depth experience.
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15/5 megjegyzés mutatása
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Közzétéve: 2014. máj. 29., 21:36
Hozzászólások: 5