Papers, Please
N.A 2014년 7월 11일 오후 8시 10분
How long have you been playing?
And what's your most often missed discrepency? Just wondering. I wouldn't mind knowing about your endless run scores, or other game stories.

This game is so addictive. I find a feeling of euphoria and then anxiety of never finding another game like this when I play it. I figured I'd post on here to take a break...

I'm taking a break from the game by talking about the game
Also, I'm in the in-game chat. Going to stay in there, maybe afk, and see if people start coming. You ever seen someone in there?
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14개 댓글 중 1-14개 표시
Siren 2014년 7월 11일 오후 8시 43분 
Well Im trying to save sergue after he meets with his girl that same day
N.A 2014년 7월 11일 오후 8시 49분 
Chives (Aber)님이 먼저 게시:
Well Im trying to save sergue after he meets with his girl that same day
how'd it go?

i'm trying to beat the game again without joining the dark side. i heard that unlocks endless mode.
N.A 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 7월 11일 오후 8시 49분
Amber 2014년 7월 12일 오전 12시 11분 
I think i've done 4 hours straight in Endless mode. usually got bogged down by the work permit.
Slagathor 2014년 7월 12일 오전 4시 50분 
My most common mistake is the wrong issuing city for the passports : (
Slagathor 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 7월 12일 오전 6시 39분
Trent 2014년 7월 12일 오전 8시 36분 
wrong city for passsport, ah it sucks
Mito125 2014년 7월 12일 오전 8시 48분 
wrong city for passaport for me too :)
Siren 2014년 7월 12일 오전 9시 54분 
N.A님이 먼저 게시:
Chives (Aber)님이 먼저 게시:
Well Im trying to save sergue after he meets with his girl that same day
how'd it go?

i'm trying to beat the game again without joining the dark side. i heard that unlocks endless mode.

Im still trying to save sergiu, not going too well, and what do you mean by dark side?
RalphRoberts 2014년 7월 12일 오후 12시 00분 
I always miss the name, oddly enough. I pay really close attention to the city, pass number, etc. But I always forget to check the name.
N.A 2014년 7월 12일 오후 1시 20분 
i actually always miss the images. i'll look the entire passport over, name, date, exp, city ...and completely miss that it doesn't have a seal or the ID picture is different until I've already approved it
Slagathor 2014년 7월 12일 오후 4시 29분 
The difference between learning the ropes and actually know what the §$%& you're doing:
- On my first playthrough I could barely keep up with rent and keep my family healthy/nourished.
- On my second playthrough, I'm not even halfway and I already have 390 extra credits I can spend however I want.
Glory to Arstotska and small bribes !!!
TooTall 2014년 7월 12일 오후 11시 33분 
BubonicZombie 2014년 7월 12일 오후 11시 53분 
I often miss the height. However, it's usually not a frequent problem, so the citation doesn't pop up that often. According to Steam, I've played 45 hours of Papers, Please.
Laz 2014년 7월 15일 오전 2시 36분 
"Invalid gender."

It's just one letter, so very easy to miss. Second would be height/weight because they're also small, but by then I'm nervously scanning every detail, so that compensates for it.
ElenOfTheWays 2014년 7월 15일 오전 7시 58분 
It was weight until I figured out the scales, so easy not to notice it. Tricky ones like gender, forged documents, cities and districts so now I get the rulebook out until getting used to it. Gender still catch me out sometimes.

About 7 hours since getting the game yesterday. Simple game but addicitve.
ElenOfTheWays 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 7월 15일 오전 7시 59분
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14개 댓글 중 1-14개 표시
페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

게시된 날짜: 2014년 7월 11일 오후 8시 10분
게시글: 14