Zack Zero

Zack Zero

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Fireinthelol Aug 29, 2013 @ 5:47pm
Nothing can stop me achievement
I finished the game and this didn't unlock? Anyone else having the same problem?
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Wait until you find out you can't reach level 20. I've played through the game twice and been stuck on level 19 since the second to last level of the first play through. As much fun as I had with this game and I can't wait to play with my little nephews, there are issues I wish Crocodile would take care of. I know that their sales haven't been great, but you can tell this game was their baby and the amount of effort they put in when you play.

On a side note, I did get the achievement so there may have been an update since the last time you played. I heard this game had GFWL and that had to be removed since Microsoft finally conceded that their platform sucked.
Sylom Sep 26, 2013 @ 2:17pm 
I have the same problem with the "Nothing can stop me" achievement : my Steam library and the game say that I have it, but on my Steam profile it still appears to be locked. It seems to be random for some people, as it HAS been unlocked by a few people.

Here are a few theoritical solutions :
- Select a level and beat it to see if the achievement pops up [DOESN'T WORK] ;
- Start a new game and beat the game again ;
- Backup your profile, delete it then rebeat the game to see if it changes anything.

I can't guarantee that any of these solutions work, but at least I can give trails to follow.

EDIT : Breaking news! Apparently, relaunching Steam the day after did the trick for me, so it seems to be an issue with Steam not registering the achievement properly.
Last edited by Sylom; Sep 27, 2013 @ 1:32am
Deleanor Sep 27, 2013 @ 4:17am 
Originally posted by Sylom:
EDIT : Breaking news! Apparently, relaunching Steam the day after did the trick for me, so it seems to be an issue with Steam not registering the achievement properly.

But even this won't work for all..had the same problem with the profile not having it, but for me a restart wiped the achievement from ingame and library and I can no longer get it with replaying the last level. (And as fun as the game was...I won't play it again with a fresh save only to have a chance to get the achievement^^)
Last edited by Deleanor; Sep 27, 2013 @ 4:18am
Sylom Sep 28, 2013 @ 2:46am 
Hmm, did you keep the save where you have the Congratulations screen ? If so, try to load it, then see if it unlocked, ingame and/or on Steam. If it did unlock ingame, beat the first level again (try to collect the 2 treasures) then quit the game and restart Steam. It might work. Otherwise, I honestly don't know. :horsearmor:
Mille_W Oct 2, 2013 @ 12:34pm 
Same with me! But I just loaded the 1st level to play through to get the treasure I missed, and I insta got the achievement when I got to the level :)! Now there is only the treasure achievement left... ;>
Fireinthelol Feb 13, 2020 @ 1:40am 
I still have had no luck with this. I think I tried the methods mentioned at the time, and again now. I have also weirdly started trying to play a new game but when I start a new game, my suit is at level I don't even know how to fully reset. I will keep playing to see if beating the first level does anything...

EDIT: I'm just a moron and forget that the game starts you on suit level 20 for the first level.
Last edited by Fireinthelol; Feb 13, 2020 @ 1:57am
swaygrunt Feb 13, 2020 @ 12:08pm 
I unlocked this achievement in 2013, and then while randomly browsing through my library recently I clicked on Zack Zero, and this achievement unlocked... again. Despite the game being uninstalled. Literally just viewing the game in my library triggered it - I haven't touched the game in six years.

Also weird is that the Post-Game Summary that came up dates the achievement to 2013, but in my achievement page for the game it now says it unlocked on February 2nd of this year while all the others are dated to 2013.

There's just something weird going on with this specific achievement.
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