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Best way to mod a Latron Prime?
I've just made the Latron Prime.
It's an excelent weapon which I love.
However, I'd like a little information about how I should go about modding it.
I know that ammo will never really be an issue with it, because of the good ammo economy.
The Latron has a decent mag (But could always be improved if I have spare mod space), so I don't really need any mag improving mods. I have stuck a fast hands mod on though.
So, I have lots and lots of free space.
Can anyone suggest mods to use?
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Vector88 Jul 6, 2013 @ 8:36am 
i feel mag extension and RoF mods are pointless on this marksman rifle

Go with armor peirce, serrration, multishot
After that, go with extra crit damage as the weapon crits quite often so the extra damage is helpful (yellow damage number appear a lot more than what i expected)
Suzaku Jul 6, 2013 @ 9:54am 
For me, I go Serration, Split Chamber, Fast Hands, Speed Trigger, and all 4 damage mods. Once you get used to the higher rate of fire, you can really crank out some damage as you learn how to headshot consistantly while firing as fast as possible.
ZELRIØN Jul 6, 2013 @ 11:45am 
i use Multishot(double damage), metal auger(deal with large groups), armorpierce(important mod), cryo rounds(slow effect and decent bonus damage 90% maxed), critical chance, and critical damage, and speed trigger(because its too slow to kill 90+ hevys effectively) and max serration, but thats just me, might not be as useful if u only got it half way (damage per second with my loadout is ~2000 damage)
Last edited by ZELRIØN; Jul 6, 2013 @ 11:47am
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Date Posted: Jul 6, 2013 @ 8:22am
Posts: 3