Wolfenstein 3D

Wolfenstein 3D

Merim Nov 7, 2014 @ 12:10am
How awesome would it be if.....
Theres a remake of the original game. Which would be called "Wolfenstein". Which would HOWEVER, be alot different from the original since the remake would have higher graphics (like the latest game), with some things you are able to do like in the latest (such as dual wield), with more voice acting and cutscenes. Making the game pretty much looking like as if it was not remade, but the story is based on the original.

What do you think guys?
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MAGNUS WAKER Dec 7, 2014 @ 2:18pm 
Wolfenstein: New Order called. It has all of that =D
Merim Dec 7, 2014 @ 4:08pm 
Originally posted by mAGNUSwAKER:
Wolfenstein: New Order called. It has all of that =D
No thats a "what if" scenario if Germans has won the war instead of Americans. While the original, Americans won.

Edit: Well, it seems theres already one called Wolfenstein (2009) so idk why thats not in steam :/
Last edited by Merim; Dec 23, 2014 @ 4:46pm
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Date Posted: Nov 7, 2014 @ 12:10am
Posts: 2