Sacred 2 Gold

Sacred 2 Gold

Sacred 2 or Divine Divinity
I'm on the fence on these games. While I love a good hack 'n slash, I also like a good story. This game seems real appealing, but it's also $14 more than DD. Anybody play both and have an opinion?
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Siddha 29. Jan. 2013 um 20:57 
Do you mean the first Divinity game?
If so it is a good game. A much older game than S2. Old style 2d isometric hack & slash; with lots of quests and storylines.
Has a very difficult & long dungeon at start; but once that is done the world opens out and is extensive.
The second game I have not played; it gets mediocre reviews.
Third game I have played a bit and it is very good. Looking forward to getting back to it.
imortus 29. Jan. 2013 um 23:18 
I've played both. I like Sacred 2 more, by a long shot. Divine Divinity was a fine game, but it didn't have much (or any) replayability and offered leagues less content than Sacred 2. The price difference is more than worth it here.
I have both, Sacred 2 is one of my favorite games. Divine Divinity has more story then S2, so if you really want a game with story, go for DD. Or wait til S2 goes on sale again and get both :)
I have never played either, but I am about to buy Sacred 2: Gold from greenmangaming. $5.44, with the 20% off coupon, or $6.79 without it. I suggest you get Divine Divinity here on Steam and Sacred 2: Gold from greenman. Then buy yourself some lunch.
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Geschrieben am: 29. Jan. 2013 um 19:33
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