Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons

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Help with keyboard rebind
Hi Steam

So, i have bought this game and i bought a controler for it. I bought a ps3/pc controller and the game doesn't recognize it. No problem here. I searched for a solution and the solution came in form of JoytoKey (for those who don't know it's an emulator). I tried to create a configuration to play brothers but because JoytoKey doesn't diferentiate between right and left cntrl/shift you
have to rebind those keys.

The problem I have is that I rebind the keys on the launcher but the game doesnt change them.
If anyone could help me I would kindly apreciate it. Album of my problem

Gönderilme Tarihi: 20 Ağu 2014 @ 2:57
İleti: 0