Ace of Spades

Ace of Spades

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Kearesuツ Feb 9, 2014 @ 10:53am
My Probloms with the Game
So I've had this game for a bit and I've already noticed a huge bit for me that I don't like.

SNIPERS ARE TOO DAMN OP! Seriously you can walk in the middle of a battlefield and you'll have 10 snipers on your ass in 2 seconds.I get that this has been nerfed some what, but a 1 shot kill to the head with a high accuracy weapon is just over powered.

Also the building aspect of this game is kinda ignored. I mean the only time people have to actually build is on Zombies. I just think that we should get like 10 minutes to build and maybe have like zones where your builds are indestructible? I don't know just tossing out ideas

Just wanted to get some thoughts on what everyone else thinks. I love everything about this game besides these two things. Although these probloms may have already been adressed and I'm just restating them. Was too lazy to search.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
LeGimmickWizard Feb 9, 2014 @ 3:13pm 
10 minute build time sounds way too long in my opinion, however I do agree with a starting build time.

A bit similar to demolition I guess.
laberca Feb 10, 2014 @ 12:05pm 
I actually find building very useful. And that's because of snipers. If you are behind a wall, you can't be sniped. I'm always putting down prefabs when I play.

I do agree that marksman is OP, but it is not as OP as everyone thinks. The problem with marksman is that they are too good generally to justify their complete long range domination. Their health is not all that low, their pistol is too good, and their speed and jump height are so high that I can get easy kills with the pickaxe as marksman.

I still find them easy to deal with if you know what you are doing, but they definitely need a nerf. I would say pistol reload time needs to be like 6 times longer, movement speed and jump height need to be a good bit lower, and health might need to be a bit lower too. (either that or more engineer and commando health)

I don't really have a problem with sniper rifle headshots, it encourages building and tunnels, and working as a team.
Kearesuツ Feb 10, 2014 @ 1:18pm 
Yeah I was just throwing out a number. Maybe realisticly like 1-2 minutes

Originally posted by DarkBrassica:
10 minute build time sounds way too long in my opinion, however I do agree with a starting build time.

A bit similar to demolition I guess.
Kearesuツ Feb 10, 2014 @ 1:22pm 
Well In my gameplay I find other snipers to kinda camp you. So it's more of prolonging your death then I would say avoiding it. I thought it might of been cool to have a rock-paper-sissor type thing where certain classes are effective against others to sort out the unbalancing issue.

Originally posted by gamerzap:
I actually find building very useful. And that's because of snipers. If you are behind a wall, you can't be sniped. I'm always putting down prefabs when I play.

I do agree that marksman is OP, but it is not as OP as everyone thinks. The problem with marksman is that they are too good generally to justify their complete long range domination. Their health is not all that low, their pistol is too good, and their speed and jump height are so high that I can get easy kills with the pickaxe as marksman.

I still find them easy to deal with if you know what you are doing, but they definitely need a nerf. I would say pistol reload time needs to be like 6 times longer, movement speed and jump height need to be a good bit lower, and health might need to be a bit lower too. (either that or more engineer and commando health)

I don't really have a problem with sniper rifle headshots, it encourages building and tunnels, and working as a team.
DEBUG.EXE Feb 12, 2014 @ 8:17pm 
The paper-scissors-rock thing is an interesting thing to try. Although I recall trying to work out how I would do it. I concluded that the best way was to have a rifler, a shotgunner, and a dog.
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