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draggz Oct 7, 2013 @ 7:54am
Game crashes after 5-10 in a multiplayer mode
First of all, this game is really awesome i like the pvp concept its like wow arena. But my main problem is that this game freezes shortly and then it crashs..i dont know whats the problem because my pc is able to run this game and i just crashes without any error message
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Buoy Oct 7, 2013 @ 8:21am 
I have this same problem.. I have a custom built computer that I've ran many games such as WoW on and never had a crash problem before this. I've heard other people have this problem too with certain maps, but everyone seems to be different. Mine in particular crashes about 2-3 times and then after I play for about an hour or so it doesn't happen anymore.. I don't know what this is from, but a Dev said they were working on it back in August when someone reported it and it's still like this, so idk. Can't be to hard on the Devs though because it's a really small team since they don't have the right funds for a full team so idk if we'll see a fix soon or not.
Last edited by Buoy; Oct 7, 2013 @ 9:34am
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Date Posted: Oct 7, 2013 @ 7:54am
Posts: 1