Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Feature Request: WINE Menu for unportable/unwilling games
I'm just tossing this out there - but what if we had a menu of a few Windows games and a Linux-specific, configurable WINE wrapper for each of them? We'd add support for more Windows games in a tacky fashion, but it could help better establish Linux in the gaming community.

I think Valve might have to deny official support for it though, given the tricky nature of games run under WINE. What do you all think?
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Please search this forum. This has already been discussed on another thread (actually several others on all the Steam for Linux subforums, but the thread on this subforum has a lengthy discussion about it).
Simple answer, too much of a headache for the little benefit it would give. That is the benefit they would be able to gain compared to running those games standalone.

To get anywhere with it they would need to duplicate (or integrate) the efforts of PlayOnLinux.
This issue is being tracked here:

It looks like the issue is not going to be entirely ignored:

frankc-valve eredeti hozzászólása:
We appreciate the discussion on this issue but this is, after all, a bug tracker. The initial feature request has been made and will be investigated by the team at a later date. For further discussion, my recommendation is to bring it up in the discussion area of the Steam for Linux hub, bringing it to the attention of a wider audience.

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