Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

zirkaso Mar 29, 2015 @ 7:37pm
PS3 Controller on ChrUbuntu not detected
I've been trying to turn my chromebook into some kind of living room console, but I've been having trouble setting up the most critical part, the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ controller. I have Ubuntu with the lxde desktop installed on the chromebook and I succesfully paired the ps3 controller through bluetooth using QtSixA. The problem is that steam big picture mode won't detect the controller, and I've seen youtube tutorials using the same method as me getting it to work so I'm guessing it's a ChrUbuntu specific problem. Anyway, does anyone know how to fix this?
Any help is appreciated!
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Dusk of Oolacile Mar 29, 2015 @ 7:54pm 
Chromebooks have a limitation that they have to be running the original kernel even if a different distro is running. The Chrome OS kernel however doesn't have kernel modules for a lot of things, including controllers. You need to install them manually and get them to load if you need them. I'm not familiar enough with the process to give instructions, I suggest you search Google for tutorials.
zirkaso Mar 31, 2015 @ 2:14pm 
Thank you, your reply wasn't the answer but it led me to google using new keywords, and I found the solution. I just had to give Steam permission to read the event file that the controller was using by changing the permissions for that file.
For anyone coming by this thread in hope of finding answers (I do that a lot):
First, I checked what event file the controller was using by monitoring the kernel log, which for me was Xorg.1.log
tail -f -n 0 /var/log/Xorg.1.log
Then I connected the controller and some lines came up where I found /dev/input/js0
I ran the file manager in sudo and located the file, and set permissions to Anyone
Other than that I followed some steps with getting a 99.joystick.rules file:

I don't know what exactly fixed it, but I'm guessing it was changing the permissions.
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Date Posted: Mar 29, 2015 @ 7:37pm
Posts: 2