Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Why is this not announced on the Valve Linux Blog
Many of us have been monitoring the Valve Linux Blog since it was originally announced there would be a survey/sign-up. I found out about this though other steam friends. Both myself and other Linux users have all been shocked to discover that the blog we have had RSS feeds or checking daily has still not been updated.
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Valve works in mysterious ways.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: boot; 2012. nov. 2., 9:46
Jerks. I got left out for a week. At least I've found it now. (It's a testament to Valve's work that despite their apparent anti-socialness, we are still foaming at the mouth to get our hands on that beta...)
If I see the survey, it's because I follow the Linux topic...
It does state in the blog that info about the sign up will be in a future post so I think it's reasonable to expect a blog update around the time of the beta sign-up, not that I'm particularly unhappy about this - I found out from another website. I'm actually happy and very greatful to see Linux supported by Valve as a viable gaming o/s and can't wait to play some Portal (1 & 2) on my Linux boot :)
We are the elite. I am ok with that ;) Kidding aside. I think we all let other people know that are using Linux. Most people probably know by now. But yeah, all in all, it would have been nice to see it on there as well.
I agree a bit, but overall it worked out I think. Maybe they were hoping to surprise us all lol.
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Közzétéve: 2012. nov. 2., 9:33
Hozzászólások: 7