Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

[TF2] Proper [Korean] font?
Last week, I noticed Korean language support has came into Team Fortress 2, and I tried (as I prefer Korean to English..)

But no font showed up..
TF2 seems to be using "Nimbus Sans L" on Korean (or Other) Characters.

It seems to be a problem of choosing proper font(s)..

I hope it will get fixed soon.
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Показані коментарі 19 із 9
I can finally get Korean support in Steam, but STILL can't type Korean into anything on Steam (using ibus in Ubuntu 12.04). Are you able to type Korean into Steam?
I'm guessing they probably can't -- any more than I can type Japanese. (For some reason, it doesn't accept ibus input.)

From what I understand, Steam *only* uses xinput, and ignores things like ibus.
Bumping this up as I still can't see Korean (and CJK) font nor input Korean (and CJK)..

Still playing TF2 in Windows... because of this problem...
Valve는 ibus를 안 사용하는 것 같아요~ 한국말을 사용하도록 제가 copy and paste를 해야 해요~ 귀찮아요 ㅠㅋㅋㅋ
ibus의 경우는 저도 알고는 있긴 하지만, (제가 게임 할 때도 채팅을 잘 안해서.. ^^)
제일 큰 건 TF2에선 한글 폰트가 안보인다는 것이 문제입니다.

For the case of ibus, I also know about that.. ( but I don't chat even playing.. ^^ )
The biggest thing is that Korean (or CJK) Fonts not show up in TF2..
이거 라틴 문자를 쓰지 않는 언어도 다 그러는 것 같은데 말이죠... 혹시 특수문자들도 사라지고 그러지 않나요? 저는 사라지던데요.

그나저나 영어는 어느정도 할 줄 알지만 영어로만 게임을 해야되니 답답해 죽겠네요. 한글로는 채팅도 안되요. 한글 자체가 아예 안나와요.

그런데 위에 한글이 나온다는 분은 그래픽 드라이버 뭐 쓰시나요?

Looks like other languages that does not use latin alphabet has similar issue. Does the special characters disappear as well? For me, it happens.

I can understand English, but it is quite frustrating that I have to play only in English. Not even chatting is working for me if it is in Korean. Korean is not printed at all.

BTW that person who said Korean is visible in the game... What graphics driver do you use?
greek here, have the same problem in css ubuntu 12.10, surprisingly a guy with ubuntu 12.04 did not have the problem....

more surprisingly the character μ shows up...
Автор останньої редакції: skotadopsyxos (linux); 22 трав. 2013 о 18:13
mee too the same problem in greek ubuntu 13.10
Not sure if it's smart to link your facebook on here.
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Показані коментарі 19 із 9
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Опубліковано: 28 лют. 2013 о 15:26
Дописів: 9