Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Gamepad Issue with Different Games
Hey guys. I want to submit something that I found strange. I have logitech F310 gamepad. It with some tweak it can work fine with all games. Serious Sam III gives the best support for the gamepad. When i plug my gamepad I can play with it without any change or trouble. But a strange behaviour Trine 2 works fine only with xbox driver otherwise it sees the game but wrong button configurations and it sees the right trigger always pushing. But when I use xboxdrv it works fine.
Command for xboxdrv:
sudo xboxdrv --device-by-id 0000:0000 --type xbox360 --mimicxpad

u can get your device id from "lsusb" command. With Trine works fine too but Serious Sam gets start and back buttons wrong. I could not figure out if the xpad module wrong or somethign else wrong.
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Показані коментарі 13 із 3
Known flaw in Trine 2, and my F510 behaves just as badly there. In my case it's just the joydev module in openSUSE 12.2 being used. I actually bought the gamepad to play Steel Storm: Burning Retribution, but I use it for anything with support. Haven't tried it with SS3 yet though, nor have I gotten around to xboxdrv. The issue have been reported several times in this forum.
I been wondering that if the problem because of that there are several modules for gamepad support on linux and gamemakers chose one of them ?
Hard to tell exactly, but it's still a game issue.
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Показані коментарі 13 із 3
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Опубліковано: 12 січ. 2013 о 9:13
Дописів: 3