Half-Life 2
spmepne please help
i tryed to download wen i bought it n i lost the page due to firefox freeze, i didnt even get my recipt info, wat do i do, im pissed and frustraded as hell, i paid for this game twice over, the first was a $30 copy of the dvd game n it had already been registared n now $10 more, please someone tell me u have an answer
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14/4 megjegyzés mutatása
Click the Help button and then click Steam Support.
I got it just didnt have a good steam app, now how do i stop this thing from more bs
I really have to wonder if those retail packages you bought are not actually pirated media.
no its the real disc, ive done some piriting of my own for personal use n its the real deal, i bought it used but they faied to inform me that the key had been used aswell
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14/4 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. febr. 9., 20:22
Hozzászólások: 4