

Postcard Crash?
(Running Windows 7)
Played through the game until winter a few times, really enjoyed it. There was one island in particular which I liked, so I took a few postcards of it. However, when I tried to load the postcard, I got this error and a game crash:

Object reference not set to instance of an object.
at Proteus.World.GameWorld.NextSeason()
at Proteus.World.GameWorld.BeginSeasons(Int32 startingSeason)
at Proteus.World.GameWorld.PostGeneration()
at Proteus.Game.ProteusGame.JoinWorldGenThread()
at Proteus.Game.GameState_Title.Update(Single timeDelta)

Has anyone seen anything like this before?
(I've also had the crash-on-island-generation bug a few times, the two bugs are likely unrelated but I thought it was worth mentioning.)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von erandas_vs; 25. Juni 2014 um 15:38
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zedug 25. Juni 2014 um 13:14 
(running Win8.1 Pro)

just got the same error here with the exact same message... I have about four postcards of that island, and they all fail in the same way.

//edit: activated the "beta stream1_1" in the properties of the library per another thread, received an update (now running content BuildID 58107), but it sort of got worse.

When loading the game I get this error message:

Initial validation.111>
at Proteus.Game.PostcardData.ValidateAndThrow(Boolean check, String msg)
at Proteus.Game.PostcardData..ctor(WwBuffer dataBuffer)
at Proteus.Game.Postcard.ReadFromFile()

the game yet still launches in a weird background fullframe mode (windows taskbar still visible on top), music still plays, very soothing, but it gets stuck in the "recreating..." mode, and then it throws another message

Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown
at Tianxia.Model.Grid.InitGridO
at Tianxia.Model.World..ctor(Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 seed)
at Proteus.World.GameWorld.CreateHeightmap()
at Proteus.World.GameWorld.CreateWorld()
at Proteus.World.GameWorld.TickGeneration(String& progressinfo)
at Proteus.World.GameWorld.TickGenerationUntilFinished()

very strange...
Zuletzt bearbeitet von zedug; 25. Juni 2014 um 13:25
I have the same or a similar issue. My error message is very simlar to erandas_vs's but I am on I'm on a Mac OS 10.9
I can load a new island but if I load a postcard, I get the "fatal error" message and the game crashes.
The postcard if for the fall season.
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