Super Crate Box

Super Crate Box

If Super Crate Box used Steam Workshop
You wanna what would be cool? SCB using the Steam Workshop! :D We could now get new player models, more weapons, and best, more maps! It's too bad SCB doesn't get that much updates.
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19/9 megjegyzés mutatása
You're right,it's really a shame that Valve is not giving SCBa chance.Only like the most popular game is on Steam Workshop.Great idea!
yes i agree it would be cool
Awsome idea :)
That would be awesome.
All F2P games should have some form of Workshop functionality. Super Crate Box shouldn't need an introduction. Simple mechanics similiar to Cabalt, except with a shooting capability, we could make SCB a funner, if not better, experience. It has that rewarding "Arcade Highscore" feel that needs to be addressed and accounted for. New weapons, characters, maps, enemies, and maybe some doors or gateways leading into other maps.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: B. Wiggs; 2013. márc. 30., 15:29
it would be great so i could add more guns
Agreed. The repetition of weapons gets boring eventually.
That would be rad...
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19/9 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. febr. 17., 16:25
Hozzászólások: 9