Guns of Icarus Online

Guns of Icarus Online

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SpartA1ah1 Sep 6, 2014 @ 6:53pm
vs bot
can you do it ?

we need bots
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Ultimate Pheer Sep 6, 2014 @ 7:13pm 
Sadly, while enemy bots would be able to crew the ship, they can not pilot ships.

So, no it sadly can not be done at this moment. Though a co-op mode with AI enemy ships is on the way.
[Cake] Gibbs Sep 9, 2014 @ 1:54pm 
This is a difficult question to awnser since when I started playing as someone with limited access to internet I too thought an offline mode would be good. However adding offline all ai games would eliminate one of the most intergral parts of the game with is team work. With all ai ships you don't and indeed can't do any sort of team work or planning. This game is based on the need to help your team mates in order to win. No mater how good you are you can NOT carry a match. It is an intergral part of the game.

However as said above coop mode will introduce all ai ships. Yet this mode will need at least four real players to be playing. This keeps the team work and fun of the game while introducing new elements that you can get from all ai games, including smaller size of real players in a lobby and new game modes and potentially larger battles. This can sort of bridge the no ai and all ai gap and get the best of both worlds.

So while it will likely be possible in the future it is unlikely to be added due to the fact that it would jeprodize I key part of the game. Good luck. Hope to see you in the skies. :)
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Date Posted: Sep 6, 2014 @ 6:53pm
Posts: 3