DOOM 3: BFG Edition

DOOM 3: BFG Edition

flickering screen?
i have the game maxed at 60FPS, but i seem to be getting a terrible flickering screen during gameplay. anyone having a similar problem? i have an ATI card, if that helps.
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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
Check your VSYNC settings. Switch it to ON if you have it set to SMART.
I agree with Sharkfood. I found the tearing to be very annoying with "smart" vertical sync enabled.
Sharkfood eredeti hozzászólása:
Check your VSYNC settings. Switch it to ON if you have it set to SMART.

Demodulated eredeti hozzászólása:
I agree with Sharkfood. I found the tearing to be very annoying with "smart" vertical sync enabled.

worked like a charm, thanks!
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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2014. júl. 21., 10:52
Hozzászólások: 3