ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition

ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition

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AticAtac Oct 17, 2017 @ 5:32am
Invincible fleet?
The AI has one single fleet of 2 Tanks and 2 Carrys in my System and no matter what I throw at them, I can´t defeat them. Any ideas what to do? I can´t just ignore them since they block the system with all my fleet in it
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MTB-Fritz Oct 17, 2017 @ 6:02am 
Hero + high damage fleet + Nosebreaker fire pattern should be able to deal woth that problem

High damage design = fleet-wide power module + ONE weapon type stacked, nothing else.

While usually long range settings reign supreme in this case I would suggest melee range simply because the chance to destroy any of the enemy soaking designs during the LR is next to nil so the fight will go into melee anyway. You can stack more melee modules for the same tonnage so your damage output will be bigger at the cost of receiving more enemy fire in return.

Amoeba and Harmony are especially bad with these tanky fleets due to their faction bonuses and available techs. Once the match progressed this far that you encounter more and more of these designs it grinds to a crawl making every progress painfully slow. Its important in that case that you identify critically important enemy systems and blockade/invade them to deny him the reources required to build these high effectivity ships.
AticAtac Oct 17, 2017 @ 9:43am 
Thanks for the advice, but I only got rid oh them through diplomacy. Learning from that, I started war an locked down the entire enemy fleet with one fleet of tanks and full repair during battle. Seems to be extremly unbalanced
MTB-Fritz Oct 17, 2017 @ 11:04am 
You mean being able to lock em down?

You have options to escape such a thing. The retreat battle cards will force your fleet out of orbit to a connected neutral or friendly system (never do this if you dont have a connection to neutral or friendly territory else your fleet will automatically self-destruct upon retreat).

If you mean being so hardy to be able to soak up all damage this is a combination of technologies and faction traits/specials. Harmony for example have a hull type that reduces the tonnage cost of all defensive module installed by 50% basically DOUBLING the amount of defense, this alone makes the ships almost indestructible when focusing on defense. At the same time their ships can be as tanky as your own soak designs AND have enough tonnage left to invest into weaponry.

While the largest hulls can have almost indestructable qualities you can also create extreme designs and boost em further regarding offensive punch in order to overcome them. These tanks are a real problem if you dont know how to handle them but I wouldnt call it unbalanced as they are available to you just the same.

A lot of things seem to be "unbalanced" at first because things are not obvious or the AI seems to be unable to counter certain things effectively. But trust me that things change in multiplayer and whatever "winning strategy" or "pwn routine" you have for endless difficulty matches versus AI can fall flat on its face versus other human players.

Diplomacy is a great tool to "play" the AI and force it to do things. It was less then uesefull in the past, then in order to "fix" it Amplitude hardcoded stuff like the garantueed acceptance of a ceasefire agreement regardless if you were losing or completely outclassed after x turns. This is not only a lifesaver for you but also enables you to use it in your strategies effectively. Before that change AI opponents were murderous and relentless often crushing human players even on mild difficulties. This change pulled the biggest fangs and left the AI crippled in many regards. Still playing the game has become more accessible because of it so it was a working change.
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Date Posted: Oct 17, 2017 @ 5:32am
Posts: 3