A Virus Named TOM
How long is this game?
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Niban  [developer] Sep 24, 2013 @ 6:57pm 
Depends on how much difficulty you have with the levels. It probably averages 3-5 hours if you refuse to use skips, and that is for SP. (MP would be similar.) Since I've 100% the game and know all the solutions, I can do a speed run and beat it in about 45 minutes.

It is a really fun game that I've enjoyed tons. Each area got better and better. Hopefully that helps.
TomatoCultivator Sep 24, 2013 @ 7:09pm 
Thanks :)
Misfits Attic  [developer] Sep 25, 2013 @ 4:17pm 
I'd actually love more input on this. I felt it was somewhere in the 6 hr range for the SP campaign, but my hours played shows > 100 by now ;)
Anyone care to look at their time played or remember how long it took if you've gone back a lot and padded those hours?
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