The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead

About BEN
leave him or save him?
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I left him. He was incompatent. He made too many mistakes. He put Clemantine in danger a couple of times. Being a Father in real life, that is unacceptable in real life, and unacceptable in a roleplaying game.
最近の変更はalpha480vが行いました; 2014年1月12日 7時52分
Left him, he wanted his chance to play hero and I wanted him dead. Everybody wins.
Look sure, he wasn't the smartest KID. But he was just young, and really I didn't think he deserved to die. He didn't make the best choices but Ya know. (Didn't mind the character, lol)
Stuck with him till the end. Despite how tempting it was to get rid of someone who was seemingly only a liability to the group, I thought he would eventually come in handy in a situation where only he could save everyone. Besides, I kinda related to that feeling of being totally useless and wanting to prove yourself otherwise. Even though he didn't really become all that useful in the end, I don't regret keeping him alive, as seeing Kenny's character development with his change of heart (and we all know what that led to..) was far more preferable than the alternate situation if you didn't let Ben live in my opinion.

Sorry about the long answer xD;;
Because of Bens incompetance, cowardice, and lies Katjaa, Duck, kenny and Doug/Carly all die and you lose Lilly. He abandons Clem leaving her to die and she is only saved because Chuck sacrifices himself to save her. That's 5 dead 1 AWOL and near death for Clem. I pulled him up but only so that either I or kenny could kill him. ♥♥♥♥ BEN! don't let that whiny ♥♥♥♥♥ die a sacrificial hero. I figured let him suffer the guiltthen let Kenny get a chance to finish him himself.
Saved him. I wanted Ben to at least man up, for once in his short life.
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Look sure, he wasn't the smartest KID. But he was just young, and really I didn't think he deserved to die. He didn't make the best choices but Ya know. (Didn't mind the character, lol)
Agreed... except for I was so angry at him that I left him on my first playthrough, ended up rewinding the game after I beat it... didn't regret it one bit. He ended up being one of my favorite characters.
I kept him alive till the end. I don't regret it, though he really proves to be a useless kid, Come on, Ben... there's a small axe blocking a door, and you know that all around you are hungry, merciless monsters. What do you do? You PICK UP THE AXE? It's just a matter of 2+2=4. COME ON. WTF!.
最近の変更はgdsarnoが行いました; 2014年1月15日 19時19分
This is actualy a major choice in this game. Far deeper than even I could have guessed until my favorite web series pointed it out. For whom the bell tolls friends.
eat him. ;)
I saved him, Ben didn't deserve a death like that sure he made stupid choises but he always ment well. I actually felt bad for him when he wanted to die because he felt guilty.
In all my playthroughs except one I dedicated to being an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, I saved Ben. His actions resulted in the death, disappearance, or near death of every character. His deal with the bandits ends with the raid on the Motor Inn - the whole of which results in Lilly going insane and killing Doug/Carley, Duck being bitten and Katjaa killing herself. His neglect to help Clementine in Savannah ended with Chuck sacrificing himself. His inability to deduce why a hatchet would be lodged into a door cost Brie her life and can potentially cause Molly to become lost. And his guilt forced him to make a confession at the worst possible time.

I was mostly motivated by Clementine, who vouches for Ben everytime.
Leave the idiot. Because of him, the argument with lilly escalated to a point where Carly got shot due to his lack of honesty. And, he removed the hatchet in the door handle as Sparks pointed out which was just plain stupid but...i still saved him because clemmy told me to as well haha.
i so wanted to kill him the weasel coward and stupid ever since carley got shot and so many more reasons letting zombies in the hatchet door!? afterwards espec when he didnt take care of clem letting zombies kill him was so satisfying and what he deserved for being responsible for such deaths and troubles
Gumi 2014年1月27日 16時52分 
Like everyone else has said, he was responsible for so much death. It all could have been prevented if he had just told somebody about the bandits. Then he makes it worse for himself by saying if Carley didn't die, he would have, even though he would have actually earned it. He leaves Clementine alone in the house even after being told by Lee to never endanger her again. He expects me to put any faith in him after he screwed us all over again and again. I didn't even shoot the walker trying to pull him down, hell I tried to shoot Ben.

I would have felt guilty in retrospect but even after saving him, he talks ♥♥♥♥ to Kenny. It wouldn't have even been so bad if he had laid off a little but the obnoxious "get over the boat!" and saying "♥♥♥♥ you" to Kenny after HE caused Katjaa and Duck to die, makes me think he really is just a little ♥♥♥♥. Dumb scene in general too, since if Lee ever tries to point out that Kenny is getting mad at him for not assisting in murder or that Kenny's being stupid not going to help Clem just because Lee didn't have his back a few times, Kenny tells him to ♥♥♥♥ off. How come Ben can get away with criticising Kenny, with much less to go on? Stupid.
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投稿日: 2014年1月12日 6時52分
投稿数: 31