Do you ever have a strange feeling when you see a community that hasn't been active for years? Like it's empty now.
That's all I have to say.
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Steam is the essence smoking from the decay of these rotting communities you find like this.

-and yes, I do feel strange here.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Rocket Mouse; 2017. szept. 16., 5:48
I don't even know why I clicked on this game in my library to see this
You can always form a revival group. I would drop in from time to time.
speaking of dead forum, i just found this lol
but i know what you mean, it's like when you go on a gaming forum from 2003 and it has that black background with white text. it's all lonely and it feels like you're walking through a ghost town when it shows that the last post was made in like 2008 and the visitor count is only one guest.
@roy - True. Still a good game though
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