Castle Crashers

Castle Crashers

castle crashers is awesome!
Who thinks that this game is awesome
< >
115/17 megjegyzés mutatása
Yay want to play sometime mabye?
Sometime but not now.
sure should i send a friend request?
Sure. Thanks for asking!
same :3 i luv the game...shame that there isnt alot of people on MP
we can play if we were friends?
look ^ and < i think u know if u see that
I love it.
do any of you know how to defeat the boss on volcano town not the volcano but the demon?
depends...normal or insane gameplay? :P
For the Demon thing you can eaither a^ and then spam magic or A^ and keep comboing it
(Hit the head basically)
Thanks for the info
< >
115/17 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. febr. 20., 0:03
Hozzászólások: 17