Castle Crashers

Castle Crashers

The only reason I die in this game
Keyboard controls are very unresponsive, not difficult, just unresponsive. All the keys work fine but I can't chain melee combos too fast otherwise my person just derps its really annoying.
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16/6 megjegyzés mutatása
Unfortunately, this is one of those games that is a lot easier to play with a controller. Games like this and Super Meat Boy are really hard to play with a keyboard. Got a PS3 or Xbox 360 controller? If not, you can get crappy PC controllers for like, $15.
is Super Meat Boy hard to play with keyboard ? I'm fine using it.
Yeah, it's a LOT harder with a keyboard in my experience. The prototype, Meat Boy, wasn't as tough with a keyboard because it wasn't as fast.
It would work better if they actually let you bind commands to the mouse and actually displayed the controlls with the keyboard buttons instead of the xbox controlls.
Thanks this helped me and I had the same glitch
LogicalMarcochip eredeti hozzászólása:
is Super Meat Boy hard to play with keyboard ? I'm fine using it.
It works fine. :)
It's a matter of preference.
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16/6 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. ápr. 20., 18:49
Hozzászólások: 6