Max Payne 3
Social Crap, eh, Club password change: can't start the game anymore
I wonder why ppl from Rockstar think I will ever buy a game from them again with their Social Crap.

I recently changed my password on their website. Now Max Payne opens, initalizes, says I am logged in to Social Club. But when i try to actually start the game, nothing happens. It's loading forever.

Any ideas how to make it work again? Unfortunately I forgot my old password on social club, otherwise I would have made another reset.

This whole "login to play" ♥♥♥♥ simply doesn't work, I am really pissed about this. Going to spend my money in more indie publishers now.
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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
OK, got it. If auto-login, it sucks. You have to somehow open social club (its not easy on mac, otherwise hit \), then logout, then enter your email and new passwort, hit login.
Social Club does SUCKASS
Go offline and you don't have to worry about it.
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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
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Közzétéve: 2014. jún. 9., 3:32
Hozzászólások: 3