Ridge Racer™ Unbounded

Ridge Racer™ Unbounded

Your Favorite city ?
I Personally like cities with a bunch of jumps and tunnels in the air and random stuff like that so youll have to jump and then hit the tunnel just right and avoid objects.
Do you know of any good ones like that?

Oh and yeh.

What is YOUR Favourite city?
Mine at the moment is just my city (which isnt that good but bleh) DUCKCITY
Tell me your favourite cities and ill try them out.
And you might want to add why its your favourite city.
Is it a simple shindo race? or is it a jumpy thingy like mine.which makes sure the other players get lost in the mase while you slow down and get past them?

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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
Shinoya, Shinoya II

All my cities of course
Legutóbb szerkesztette: AdApt*; 2013. szept. 5., 6:23
Duckyz eredeti hozzászólása:
which makes sure the other players get lost in the mase while you slow down and get past them?

Can't stand junk tracks like this
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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50