Flatout 3

Flatout 3

If you play this in Splatout does it seem like Carmagedion to anyone else? like they literally just changed the visuals and nothing else.
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swenor 2014年1月18日 22時30分 
1) Carmageddon
2) Flatout
3) Learn to type basic things properly. I can't get involved in athe discussion if you can't type basic things properly.
no the mode im talking about inside the flatout game is called "splatout" were you run over zombies
Carmageddon was actually quite fun, splatout mode in flatout 3 is like being forced to drag your genitals over broken glass, and deserves no comparison to carmageddon whatsoever.
MILKIE 2014年4月18日 18時39分 
Maverati の投稿を引用:
Carmageddon was actually quite fun, splatout mode in flatout 3 is like being forced to drag your genitals over broken glass, and deserves no comparison to carmageddon whatsoever.

good point...
How is Carmageddon much better than the SplatOut mode of this game? I'd like to know since I've never played any of the Carmageddons. I'm guessing the voiceovers and little subtle touches are/were better in Carmageddon
Maverati の投稿を引用:
Carmageddon was actually quite fun, splatout mode in flatout 3 is like being forced to drag your genitals over broken glass, and deserves no comparison to carmageddon whatsoever.
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