Toki Tori 2+

Toki Tori 2+

Resolution problem
So quite a while ago I tried the game and it automatically selected the correct resolution. At least I don't remember setting in manually.
10 Days ago I reinstalled Windows. Suddenly the game seemed stuck at 1280x720. Couldn't find any way to change it as the options menu was empty.
Today I wanted to try again. I can now select a resolution from the menu but no matter what I do it will still always run at 1280x720. Ironically I can't even select 1280x720 from the list.
No matter if fullscreen or window.

That's all I get:

And that's the former glory I want to have back:
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Discussions_Acc; 2013. jún. 19., 13:58
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15/5 megjegyzés mutatása
Collo  [Fejlesztő] 2013. júl. 3., 8:17 
We support a maximum 16:9 aspect ratio for the final game. So you'll have black borders if your screen is wider than that.
I actually was happy that the game had a native and perfect support for surround.
And now you castrated your work...

Well, you kind of just killed the game for me.
We do not officially support these setups, but we will add a commandline option to the final version of the game, so you can play it in unconventional aspect ratios.

For the final game you can override the aspect ratio restriction by passing:
As a commandline parameter to the game.

Disclaimer: The game is not created for aspect ratios outside the 16:9 - 5:4 range, some screens may look weird because of this and puzzles may be more confusing because a lot more is shown on screen than intended.
Well that's a relieve.

Marco eredeti hozzászólása:
Disclaimer: The game is not created for aspect ratios outside the 16:9 - 5:4 range, some screens may look weird because of this[...]
Don't worry. Anyone who uses a triple monitor setup (or similar) is more than used to any kind of anomalies.
Thanks for the great TIP now 21:9 is without Black Bars :happy_creep:

But what command is for the first Game?
--no_aspect_ratio_restriction - does not work:yawning_creep:

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15/5 megjegyzés mutatása
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