X3: Albion Prelude

X3: Albion Prelude

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alessio72 Jul 14, 2014 @ 12:50pm
Get positive reputation with races peacefully?
I'm playing as a humble and peaceful merchant, I slowly get reputation just trading goods, but I have a little bad reputations with some other races like Split and I can't trade with them...
There a way ti increase reputation with them, without lose reputation with the Boron?
I would like to buy theiir transport ship, because it seems the fastest one...
Last edited by alessio72; Jul 14, 2014 @ 12:50pm
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Tripps Jul 14, 2014 @ 12:58pm 
Just fine a split sector with frequent pirate/Xenon raids, it may take a while but you'll get there eventually. Once you get up to the point where you can do missions for them it will go a lot faster.
Hydra_360ci Jul 14, 2014 @ 1:43pm 
You usually can dock and trade at Border Sectors if your rep isn't too low. In which case dock to the trading station and buy and sell the same goods over and over again.

If you want to do a legit way... then fly around sector to sector until you get lucky enough to find a convoy mission that's gonna fly thru one of their border sectors (core sectors will go aggressive towards you if you're rep is too low). And accept the mission. As soon as you jump into the first sector those convoy missions spawn enemies. Every one you kill will improve your rep with the race sector you killed it in.
mmmcheesywaffles Jul 14, 2014 @ 2:08pm 
Bartering can make some pretty big changes to reputation too. Give a good deal to them and watch your rep climb.
Lain Jul 14, 2014 @ 4:41pm 
alessio72 Jul 15, 2014 @ 7:10am 
Thanks, how many rep I need to buy a TS+ ship?
I'm trading in Paranid systems to purchase the Snotra, I am a "Friend of Priest Duke" now but I still can't buy it.
My improved Mercury cargo is too little now and I need to do a lot of travels to increase further reputation.

How to find transport and taxi missions? I never seen them yet...

You can't use the Best Selling Price Locator to see the most requested goods even if you don't already have them in your cargo?
Last edited by alessio72; Jul 15, 2014 @ 7:23am
Fox Jul 15, 2014 @ 7:38am 
The shipyard should tell you what rank you need in order to purchase ships. Highlight the ship you want and look at the bottom of the window, it should be listed somewhere there.

Transport and taxi missions are either the white dot or orange $ mission icons - white dot for a personal transport (of the individual you speak to over comms), orange $ for group transports (the one you speak to is arranging the transport for others, but doesn't come along themselves). These aren't the only missions with that icon, so not every one of those icons is that type of mission, but look out for them. I think some missions require you to have a certain racial rank before they unlock though, so maybe they aren't appearing because you need more reputation.

And no, Best Selling Price Locator only tells you the selling price of items you have in your ship, available to sell.

In other news, kudos to you for playing the game peacefully^^ I'm playing it that way too as I do not want to get involved in the violence aspect...good to meet someone who also likes playing in that manner.
Last edited by Fox; Jul 15, 2014 @ 7:53am
Hydra_360ci Jul 15, 2014 @ 7:57am 
Selling isn't a problem anyways.... As long as you buy below average you can make a profit, by selling to Equipment Docks, Trading Stations/Stock Exchange, or Military Bases. All of them only deal with average price for selling and buying.

Another thing you can do is go to the Ship's command menu, Go to the Trade section, and select Sell for Best Price, or Buy at Best Price. Those options will find factories for you. (but they also automatically buy or sell the cargo as soon as they dock. And they will sell all your energy cells if that's what your trading... even the stuff you want to reserve for your jump drive.)

Buying a MK3 is another option... They are fully automated. But they do need to level up before they are effective. Until they level up, it's best to place them in a sector that is loaded with Energy Plants and factories that need Energy Cells. Once they level up to 6, you can increase there range by 1 sector (you have to reissue the mk3 command to do this). And every 2 levels after that their range increases by 1 sector. I suggest not changing them to universe traders. Universe Trading gets them killed, MK3 software cost half a million credits. Terricorp HQ sells MK3, and Teladi Equipment docks sell them too.

(Page 4 explains MK3's, page 20 shows the leveling):

Also you should install the bonus pack... Commercial Agent (CAG... page 10 on the above link explains the setup options, page 21 explains the leveling system) makes Factory ship setup, much easier, and more efficient. (bonus pack does not add ***modified*** to your status.)

My recommendation of CAG use is to limit your jump range of your station 1 jump less than the closest hostile, sector. Otherwise you will lose your ships to that hostile sector (usually Xenon sectors, but pirate sectors can be problematic as well). CAG, too, need to level up before they're useful. Also, give them enough energy cells to jump back, plus around 4 jumps extra reserve.
Last edited by Hydra_360ci; Jul 15, 2014 @ 8:35am
nephilimnexus Jul 15, 2014 @ 1:28pm 
A totally nonviolent way is to build your own stations in friendly space one jump away from theirs and have an open-door trade policy with the target race in question.

The reason this works: Just because they won't let you dock and trade with them doesn't mean you have to be a ♥♥♥♥, too. So instead of trying to get them to open their doors to you, instead you open your doors to them. When their trade ships do business at your station it still counts as trading with you.

So even if they start off hating your guts, once enough of their merchants return home telling tales of how you sell the cheapest whatever around, they'll gradually warm up to you and let you start docking at their stations.
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Date Posted: Jul 14, 2014 @ 12:50pm
Posts: 8