Realm of the Mad God Exalt

Realm of the Mad God Exalt

how do you control this game?
so, i've been playing and loving this game alot. and embarrasing enough, just an hour ago i noticed you can move the camera around!
this -could- be really handy, but since i'm using Q and E for mana & health, i'm not sure how to set the controls anymore..

any tips? what are your keybindings?
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I don't usually play with camera rotating, but when I do, it's with the keys K and L
-.- if your using kl no wonder your not using it much, how big is your left hand? i play with e and v but most use e and q. i use q for nexus and f and r for hp/mana but f for hp cause its easier
Movement - WASD
Rotation - QE
Center Camera - R
Nexus - Tab
HP - F
MP - C
thanks for the responses.
my controls are now WASD to move,
Q+E to rotate
R for HP
F for MP
Shift for nexus (cause you cant be safe enough!)
i would use f for hp cause its closer than r and you need more hp than mp
i first had it like that, but my ringfinger now usually rests on E, wich is closer to R.
I've been playing with default except I switched nexus to R and HP and MP potions to F and H. It takes time to get used to it but it's probably one of the best ways to play. I also use QS.
I recommend you avoid setting anything to shift. You cannot drink potions from the ground without shift-clicking.
WASD: Move
z/c= Camera
x= Toggle off-centered
r= Reset camera

I find this setup most comfy indeed.
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19/9 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. ápr. 1., 11:08
Hozzászólások: 9