Defense Grid: The Awakening

Defense Grid: The Awakening

Howdy, thinking of getting this or defense grid 2 and was wondering does any of them have random levels or random spawns, or is the replay value just different starting conditions for a set amount of maps? Thanks for the help.
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I would get BOTH of them. DG2 has a new tower and some other tweaks. Both games are replayable, and have different challenges if you choose to play them (e.g., once a cell is taken it can't be returned, a flat cash allotment up-front, and more). I've played many tower defense games, and have found this one the best of the genre so far. Get BOTH ... you will NOT be disappointed.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Rob-P; 2017. jún. 29., 4:20
DG1 isn't bad, I have 2600 hours in it...
2600 hours! I thought my 1222 hours was good. I love DG1 but was dissapointed with 2. I didn't like the cartoony graphics or the dialogue and the game doesn't seem to have the rawness of 1. Each to their own!
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