Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

Core Transfer
I was trying to make a video using GLaDOS room (not with wildlife) but I can't find it in the core transfer map. Does anyone know where the file is, where is is in the core transfer map or another map I could use instead?
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Try the ones listed under 'Game Information'. Although, like other Portal 2 maps, they'll have problems in SFM (some parts are wireframe, some are missing completely). There is one that looks ok, but it has a static model of GLaDOS hanging in it and I'm not sure how to get rid of it.

The Portal 2 maps are really foggy too, so enter fog_enable into the console and press F11 twice.

Zach Scott made his own scenebuild of the AI chamber:
Legutóbb szerkesztette: celica soupra; 2014. szept. 3., 10:43
It's always recommended to scenebuild Portal 2 styled maps. It gives much more creative freedom and it's very easy to do overall. Not to mention that half the Portal 2 maps don't work. There are already some scenebuilding workshop items for Portal 2. Look around.
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Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2014. szept. 3., 9:47
Hozzászólások: 2